Search Results for: air pollution

Pages (2 results)


Faculty by Primary Interest

Areas of Interest Climate ChangeEcologyEnergyGovernanceWaterInternational Climate Change ERG CORE David Anthoff David Anthoff is an environmental economist who studies climate change and environmental policy. He co-develops the integrated assessment model ... Continue Reading »

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Affiliated Faculty

ERG has a small core faculty but a much larger group of affiliated faculty. Affiliated faculty are based in other departments on campus or at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ... Continue Reading »

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Faculty (1 results)

Koshland, Catherine

Catherine Koshland

Professor Emeritus

Dr. Koshland’s research is at the intersection of energy, air pollution and environmental (human) health emphasizing mechanistic approaches as well as a systems perspective. It is conducted at multiple scales, from mechanistic analyses of combustion products in flow reactors to control strategies in urban airsheds to studies of human health.

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Students (1 results)

Shiyayo, Lynn

Lynn Shiyayo


Lynn is a MS student and researcher in the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley. Her research lies at the intersection of transportation, climate, and equity ... Continue Reading »

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Alumni (8 results)


Jonathan Sinton


Indoor Air Pollution in China (Compilation of a Database of Results of Research 1982-1991; with an Application to Residential Energy Supply Options in Shenyang, Liaoning Province) (’92 M.S.) Energy Efficiency ... Continue Reading »

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Anita Milman


Environmental Justice? An Analysis of Air Pollution and Power Plants in California (’04 MA) Bordering on Water Management: Ground and Wastewater in the United States-Mexico Transboundary Santa Cruz Basin (’09 ... Continue Reading »

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Lily Lee


Air Pollution and Social Justice in California (’91 M.S.)

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Jeff Hobson


Science and the People: The Use of Technical Information about Air Pollution by Local Environmental Groups (’97 M.S.)

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Michel Gelobter


The Distribution of Air Pollution, By Income and Race (’90 M.S.) Race, Class, and Outdoor Air Pollution: The Dynamics of Environmental Discrimination from 1970-1990 (’93 Ph.D.)

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News (9 results)

ERG Alum Jonathan Mingle Examines Air Pollution in the New York Review of Books

ERG Alum Jonathan Mingle Examines Air Pollution in the New York Review of Books

Jonathan Mingle, an ERG Alumni, published his work reviewing five different publications concerning the critical issue of air pollution.

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Apte & Team Find Alarming Pollution Levels

Apte & Team Find Alarming Pollution Levels

ERG alum measures air quality while riding rickshaws in Delhi.

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Forbes cites ERG PHD Student Stephen Jarvis on Germany’s Nuclear Phase-Out

Forbes cites ERG PHD Student Stephen Jarvis on Germany’s Nuclear Phase-Out

ERG MS/PHD student Stephen Jarvis, in collaboration with economists Olivier Deschenes and Akshaya Jha, had their research paper cited in the Forbes article titled "As The Costs Of Germany’s Nuclear Phase Out Mount, Little Appetite For A Rethink".

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Two ERG Alumni Named Top 50 Green Innovators and Influencers by Grist Magazine

Two ERG Alumni Named Top 50 Green Innovators and Influencers by Grist Magazine

Sam Arons (MS ’07) and Joshua Apte (PhD ’13) were named as the 2019 “Grist 50” — a list of the most innovative and influential leaders in sustainability. Grist is ... Continue Reading »

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ERGie Wins Big Ideas Contest

ERGie Wins Big Ideas Contest

"ERG grad student Emily Woods took 2nd place in the 'Scaling up Big Ideas' category with her project 'Feces to Fuel.'"

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Zoë Chafe leads new WHO Report

Zoë Chafe leads new WHO Report

"We wanted to help policymakers and members of the general public understand that household heating with biomass is a complicated issue," says ERG PhD candidate Zoë Chafe.

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‘Cheaper to save the climate’— ERG Professor Lara Kueppers Comments on Clean Energy Study

‘Cheaper to save the climate’— ERG Professor Lara Kueppers Comments on Clean Energy Study

Following a recent UC Berkeley study showing how the United States can achieve 90% clean electricity by 2035, ERG Professor Lara Kuepper commented on the importance of reducing harmful emissions. This report, featured on The Daily Californian, found that by "prioritizing energy generated from wind, solar and battery storage, decarbonizing electricity at a rapid rate is possible."

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Misplaced Praise – How Kosovo Took a Step in the Wrong Direction

Misplaced Praise – How Kosovo Took a Step in the Wrong Direction

The U.S. government recently congratulated the government of Kosovo for signing a contract with American multi-national corporation Contour Global to build a new 500 MW coal-fired power plant. Kosovo highlights ... Continue Reading »

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ERG Alumni: Leaders at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

ERG Alumni: Leaders at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Two articles on the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory website featured the current work of ERG alumni Ryan Wiser (M.S. '96, Ph.D. '02) and Andrew Jones (M.S. '07, Ph.D. '12).

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Topics (4 results)


Marika Tatsutani


Unocal Corporation’s SCRAP (South Coast Recycled Auto Project): An Experiment in Corporate Environmental Initiative (’91 MS)

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Zachary Subin


Greenhouse Gas Abatement Supply Curves for California’s Transportation Sector (MS ’08) Interactions of Water and Energy Mediate Responses of High Latitude Terrestrial Ecosystems to Climate Change (PhD ’12)

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Harvey Michaels


The Determination of Hydrogen Ion in Precipitation and Dilute Surface Waters by Means of H+-Selective Glass Electrodes (’83 MS) The Role of Sediments in Generating Alkalinity in Three Subalpine, Low-Alkalinity ... Continue Reading »

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Koshland, Catherine

Catherine Koshland

Professor Emeritus

Dr. Koshland’s research is at the intersection of energy, air pollution and environmental (human) health emphasizing mechanistic approaches as well as a systems perspective. It is conducted at multiple scales, from mechanistic analyses of combustion products in flow reactors to control strategies in urban airsheds to studies of human health.

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